Tuesday 11 November 2014

"Born Free" - Final.

"How can the bird that is born for joy, sit in a cage and sing?" By William Blake. We had to produce a working thaumotrope and a poster to accompany it, in a decorative style such as the kind of things that places like Etsy, Folksy and Paperchase sell. I opted to do this with pyrography, underestimating the time it would need due to the size of and the complex pattern but hopefully it was all worth it in the end! I also managed to find William Blake's signature too...

"Born Free". Pyrography on Baltic birch ply, A3

               The bird cage on one side of the thaumotrope. Pyrography on Baltic birch ply, 25cm disc.

And the bird on the other side - Spin this fast enough and its an optical illusion where the bird should end up in the cage. (It worked!)

"A Good Crowd" - Final.

Here is the final piece done using a number of characters from the book of faces that we had to produce over summer. The scenario for my audience was watching a horror movie and instead of putting them in a cinema i opted for a living room...

"A Good Crowd". Coloured pencil on blue stock - A3.